
Week Three: Bonus Question

The Valley of the Moon could be described, literarily, as a perfect spot for wandering lovers.

But not the one in Chile.

Where is this Valley of the Moon located, and who wrote about it?

Week Two: Caption THIS!

Team Scores for Week Two

  1. Rob and Amber 140
  2. Danny and Oswald 80
  3. Bill and Joe 80
  4. Eric and Danielle 80
  5. Uchenna and Joyce 70
  6. Dustin and Kandace 80
  7. Teri and Ian 10
  8. Charla and Mirna 20
  9. David and Mary 0
  10. Kevin and Drew -100

Score after week Two

  1. Caitlin G 890
  2. Tracy 870
  3. Terry 850
  4. Adam 820
  5. Caitlin S 800
  6. Anton 750
  7. Ami 710
  8. Joanna 700
  9. Michelle, Scott 660
  10. Curt 630
  11. Mark D 610
  12. Willow 600
  13. Sarah 570
  14. Chris M, Kristin 540
  15. Lacey 530
  16. Eric 510
  17. Judy, Les 480
  18. Courtney W, Zoe 450
  19. Chris H 440
  20. Staci 430
  21. Janis, Mary 410
  22. Allegra, Mark A. 400
  23. Peter, Ty 390
  24. Courtney M 380
  25. Andy, Robyn 360
  26. Amy, June 350
  27. Bari 330
  28. Ben 290
  29. Agnes, PB 270
  30. Linda, Stephanie 130
  31. Laura -160


Mo' Media for You!

Courtesy of Ms. Caitlin S.

Article 2
Article 5

It appears that Blogger is still kinda hungry, as it has eaten 3 of Caitlin's lovely media links.


Duncks 1 Blogger 2


Due to a user error.... Here are the correct and fully offical placements. I humbly gravel before you.

1 Caitlin G520
2 Tracy500
3 Terry470
4 Adam420
5 Caitlin S400
6 Anton380
7 Scott370
8 Joanna350
9 Ami340 Curt340
11 Zoe330
12 Allegra320
13 Les310 Mark D.310
15 Chris M300 Lacey300
17 Michelle L290
18 Sarah280 Willow280
20 Eric250 Judy250
22 Andy240 Kristin240 Staci240
25 Amy220 Mary220 Peter220 Ty220
29 Bari210
30 Mark A.200
31 Ben180 Janis180 Robyn180
34 Agnes170 June170
36 Courtney M.160
37 Chris H150 Courtney W.150 PB150
40 Stephanie80
41 Linda50
42 Laura-80


Media, Media Oh wherefore art thou Media?!

More from the ever so prolific Adam...

Article 4
Article 5
Article 7
Article 9
Article 11
Article 12

Adams says...
Cool Race Destinations
Article 1
Article 1
Article 2

Thanks Adam!
(my mouse arm is now officially numb! anyone gotta sling?)

Ok...Blogger ate half of the links I just put in here.

It's war!

Duncks 1 Blogger 1

Bonus Question!

Here we go.... be gentle, it's my first time...

If you weighed 150lbs, how much cardio would it take to burn one basic martini?

pssst...don't forget to email the answer so no one can cheat!!!

Caption This!!

Ah HA!! I win.

Duncks 1 Blogger 0

I told you less martinis and more cardio!

All-stars Team Scores
Pit stop position and pool score

Team Survivor (Rob and Amber) 1st 130pts
Danny and Oswald 2nd 180 pts
Team Crotchety (Teri and Ian) 3rd 80pts
Eric and Danielle 4th 70pts
Team Guido (Bill and Joe) 5th 60pts
The Beauty Queens (Dustin and Kandice) 6th 50pts
Uchenna and Joyce 7th 40pts
Mirna/Schmirna (Charla and Mirna) 8th 30pts
The Coalminers (David and Mary) 9th 20pts
Team Fat Bastards (Kevin and Drew) 10th -40pts
John Vito and Jill ELIMINATED -90pts

Pool Scores

1 Caitlin G 520
2 Tracy 500
3 Terry 470
4 Caitlin S 400
5 Anton 380
6 Scott 370
7 Adam 352
8 Joanna 350
9 Ami 340 Curt 340
11 Zoe 330
12 Allegra 320
13 Les 310 Mark D. 310
15 Chris M 300 Lacey 300
17 Michelle L 290
18 Sarah 280 Staci 280 Willow 280
21 Eric 250 Judy 250
23 Andy 240 Kristin 240
25 Amy 220 Mary 220 Peter 220 Ty 220
29 Bari 210
30 Mark A. 200
31 Ben 180 Janis 180 Robyn 180
34 Agnes 170 June 170
36 Courtney M. 160
37 Chris H 150 Courtney W. 150 PB 150
40 Stephanie 80
41 Linda 50
42 Laura -80

Bonus Question

Oh dear God in Heaven, I have no idea. I'm just good at spreadsheets. Please forgive me!!

Caption This

I can't get the stupid picture to cooperate with me. See above spreadsheet reference.

Duncks Slackeriffic Inadequacies

Allegra will be home soon, I promise! Until then, I will work on getting things to cooperate so ya'll can earn some beloved and fabulous bonus points.


Hello New Readers!

Thanks for stumbling upon this Amazing Race All Stars blog. Want to join the pool? Email me and I'll set you up.

Week One Bonus Questions Summaries & Final Hints

Question One: Which team is actually making their third appearance on The Amazing Race?
  • Hint One: Hot Dog!
  • Hint Two: Jackass.
Question Two: What do David and Mary, Duke and Lauren, The Cho Brothers, Rosie O'Donnell, Kathy Griffin, Gloria Estefan, and I have in common?
  • Hint One: I'm so excited, I could puke! Well, I will if I don't take my dramamine.
  • Hint Two: It would be appropriate if the host of Nashville Star was pictured instead of Gloria Estefan, but I'm glad she isn't.
  • Hint Three: A picture of me holding a luggage tag which reads "NCL Jewel AFT"
  • Hint Four: It's -30 outside, but I just bought flip flops at Old Navy. They'll come in handy.
  • Hint Five: I'm not sure if David and Mary have a room with a view, but they got a room from The View. I don't have a room with a view, but I don't frickin' care.
  • Hint Six: There will be no premiere party at my house. Someone else will be running the pool the first week, since I don't think I'll have access to any broadcast TV, and internet access is 75 cents a minute.


Picture Bonus Question: Hint Five

I'm not sure if David and Mary have a room with a view, but I know they got a room from the View.

I don't have a room with a view, but I don't frickin' care.


Picture Bonus Question: Hint Four

It's -30 outside, but I just bought flip flops at Old Navy. They'll come in handy.


More media articles from Adam!

Article One
Article Two
Article Three
Article Four
Article Five
Article Six

Picture Bonus Question: Hint Three

A picture clue for a picture bonus question!

To sum up the hints so far:

1. I'm so excited I could puke! Well, if I don't take my dramamine I probably will anyways.
2. While the host of Nashville Star's picture would be more appropriate, I'm glad it's Gloria Estefan instead.